Hyderabad Lok Sabha Seat BJP Leader takes a jab at Akbaruddin Owaisi, triggered by Navneet Rana’s 15-second statement. admin, May 9, 2024 Ms Rana, a former independent MP from Maharashtra’s Amravati, made remarks about Akbaruddin Owaisi’s 2013 statement, commenting on his call to remove the police for 15 minutes and claiming that it would only take 15 seconds for her to respond. She also made controversial comments about Madhavi Latha and voters… Continue Reading
Hyderabad Lok Sabha Seat Madhavi Latha, BJP Candidate for Hyderabad Lok Sabha Election, Addresses “Imaginary Arrow” Row and Mosque Origin admin, April 19, 2024 Madhavi Latha, the Bharatiya Janata Party’s candidate for the Hyderabad Lok Sabha seat, sparked controversy after a video of her making a dramatic gesture went viral. In the video, she pretends to draw and release an arrow, with the shot being accompanied by loud music. The clip pans to show… Continue Reading