The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted a search at the premises of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s personal assistant Bibhav Kumar and others. The probe is related to allegations that bribes from “irregularities” in the DJB tendering process were channeled as election funds to the AAP. Atishi, a member of the Aam Aadmi Party, criticized the ED’s actions as an attempt to intimidate and suppress the party. She stated that despite a two-year investigation, the ED has not recovered anything.
She also mentioned allegations of pressure on witnesses to record their statements. Amid this controversy, Ms. Lekhi, a Union Minister, criticized Kejriwal for avoiding ED summons and referenced alleged corruption in the Delhi Jal Board. She also highlighted the arrests of senior AAP leaders in connection with various cases. She criticized the governance model and excise policy of Delhi and accused the AAP of involvement in the alleged scams.
These events have unfolded amidst an ongoing tussle between the Delhi Chief Minister and his party AAP and the Enforcement Directorate, which has summoned Kejriwal five times for questioning in the liquor policy case. The tension is further exacerbated by the recent arrests of AAP leaders and the perceived lack of adherence to procurement regulations. NDTV is now available on WhatsApp channels.