In a recent session of the Rajya Sabha, Ms. Bachchan raised concerns about the treatment of opposition MPs and the handling of skipped questions during the Question Hour. She emphasized the need to treat MPs with respect and pointed out an incident where a skipped question led to uproar among opposition members. The Vice President intervened to address the situation and emphasized the importance of following parliamentary procedures and respecting senior members like Ms. Bachchan. Ms. Bachchan also expressed her sentiments and underlined the need for respect towards the deputy chairman while asserting the rights of the opposition to question and participate in proceedings.
The Chairman acknowledged her concerns and highlighted the importance of following parliamentary rules and procedures. Overall, the incident highlighted the importance of respecting parliamentary decorum and the rights of all members to participate in discussions and question the government, while also emphasizing the need for senior members to be treated with respect. The Chairman sought to diffuse the situation and reiterated the importance of following established parliamentary procedures and respecting the authority of the presiding officer.