Hyderabad Police Crack Online Cricket Betting, Seize Rs 40 Lakh admin, April 10, 2024 The arrested persons organized online cricket betting through apps on the matches of the ongoing IPL. The police also seized Rs 40 lakh from the possession of the accused persons, besides freezing five bank accounts worth Rs 3.57 lakh. Acting on a reliable tip-off, the special operations team (SOT) of Madhapur and Miyapur police jointly nabbed the bookies from an apartment at Mathrusri Nagar under the limits of the Miyapur police station. The arrested persons have been identified as Aaluru Trinadh, Manam Rajesh, Bolle Swamy, and Marpenna Ganapathi Rao, who organized online cricket betting through the Cricket Live Guru and Lucky Online apps on the matches of the ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL). The police investigation revealed that a London-based person named Shakamuri Venkateshwar Rao alias Chinnu, a native of Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh, was organizing online cricket betting. The four arrested persons, all from Andhra Pradesh, acted as bookies on his behalf. G. Vineeth, the DCP of Madhapur Zone, has requested citizens to inform the police regarding bookies and punters organizing online cricket betting by dialing 100 or through the WhatsApp number 9490617444. *(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed. )* Indian Premier League (IPL)