Kamal Sadanah recently shared the harrowing incident of his father, Brij Sadanah, killing his sister, Namrata, and their mother, Sayeeda Khan, before taking his own life. In an interview, Kamal expressed how traumatic it was to witness the violent act and survive being shot himself. He recounted how he had to rush his bleeding mother and sister to the hospital without realizing he had also been shot. Kamal explained that the doctor at the hospital brought to his attention that he had been shot and advised him to go to another hospital due to the lack of space.
He narrated how his friend, Abis, took him to another hospital, where he underwent treatment and woke up to the tragic reality of losing his entire family. Despite the tragic events, Kamal Sadanah disclosed that he still resides in the same house where the incident occurred. He emphasized the importance of moving on and not allowing hatred and unresolved issues to linger in one’s heart. He also mentioned that while he initially refrained from celebrating his birthday, he eventually had a small party with friends and family, acknowledging the support he has received from his loved ones.