Neha Hiremath, a 23-year-old college student, was tragically murdered after rejecting the advances of a man named Fayaz Khondunaik. She was stabbed seven times, in a disturbing incident that has raised concerns about law and order in the state. The Congress and BJP have weighed in on the case, with Neha’s father, Niranjan Hiremath, expressing his hope that such tragedies can be prevented in the future.
Niranjan Hiremath shared his anguish, stating that the problem of “love jihad” is spreading and that he has observed a troubling increase in such incidents. He believes that the culprits had conspired against his daughter and had been threatening her before the tragic event occurred. The lead accused has been arrested, and an investigation is ongoing.
Meanwhile, protests have emerged calling for justice and strict punishment for the perpetrator. In a surprising twist, Fayaz’s mother publicly sought forgiveness on her son’s behalf, acknowledging the wrongfulness of his actions and expressing her sorrow for the victim’s family. It was revealed that Neha and Fayaz were acquaintances from their time at college, where he was also a student before dropping out.
The chilling event was captured on CCTV, showing the confrontation between Neha and Fayaz before the brutal attack took place. After the assault, Fayaz fled the scene while being pursued by some students. The tragic loss of Neha has sparked outrage and calls for justice across the state.