There have been discussions about the future of Indian players Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma with the T20I team, especially leading into the T20 World Cup. Both players had not participated in a T20I for over a year until the home series against Afghanistan in January this year. Yuvraj Singh feels that Kohli and Rohit have earned the right to decide on their future, but he also believes it’s time for younger players to come in and prove themselves.
Yuvraj suggested that the workload of playing all three formats has taken a toll on the two experienced players, and he expressed a desire to see more younger players in the T20 format to alleviate the burden on them in ODIs and Test matches. After the T20 World Cup, Yuvraj hopes to see a lot of younger players join the team and make the T20 side for the next World Cup. There have also been talks about the possibility of Rohit and Kohli opening the batting together during the World Cup.
Additionally, a meeting is expected to take place in Delhi with Rohit in the city for Mumbai Indians’ game against the Delhi Capitals on Saturday.