Tripti Singh, a 20-year-old NEET aspirant, has been missing for over a week in Kota, the coaching capital of Rajasthan. Her disappearance has shed light on the intense pressure and heavy demands placed on students in this city known for its rigorous exam coaching culture.
Tripti, hailing from Kushinagar in Uttar Pradesh, was last seen on April 21 when she went to write an exam, but has not returned since. She was staying at a hostel in the Gobriya Bavdi area of Kota.
The PG owner filed a missing report on April 23, and the police have been actively involved in the search efforts. They have been checking CCTV footage from railway and bus stations, while also dispatching a search team to Uttar Pradesh.
Tripti had reportedly visited Vrindavan around Holi, according to the police. This incident comes in the wake of a recent suicide by a 19-year-old NEET aspirant, marking the seventh such case in Kota since January.
Shockingly, in 2023, there were 26 suspected suicide cases of coaching students in Kota. The city, a popular destination for coaching students from across India, accommodates a significant transient student population, with nearly two lakh students at any given time.
Many of them find themselves living away from home for the first time, making them vulnerable to various pressures and challenges. The case of Tripti Singh underscores the need for greater awareness and support for the mental health and well-being of students in these high-stress educational environments.
It also raises concerns about the impact of the coercive coaching culture on young aspirants and the urgent need for systemic reforms to address these issues.