Nilesh Kumbhani had remained silent for a period of time, stating his respect for state party president Shaktisinh Gohil and the party’s Rajkot Lok Sabha candidate Paresh Dhanani. He addressed accusations of betrayal from Congress leaders, explaining that it was the party that had initially betrayed him in the 2017 assembly elections by cancelling his ticket for the Kamrej Assembly seat in Surat at the last moment. Kumbhani further explained that the decision to break his silence was prompted by the dissatisfaction of his supporters, office staff, and workers, alluding to the control of the party by five self-proclaimed leaders in Surat who hinder the work of others.
When asked whether his actions were a form of revenge on the Congress, Kumbhani declined to give a direct response and instead reiterated his grievance over the cancellation of his ticket in the 2017 state polls. Having previously served as a Congress corporator in the Surat Municipal Corporation, Kumbhani contested the 2022 assembly polls from Kamrej but was defeated by the BJP. Additionally, the nomination of the Congress’ substitute candidate Suresh Padsala was also rejected, resulting in the party’s absence in the contest.
The BJP’s Mukesh Dalal was ultimately declared elected unopposed from Surat after remaining candidates, including one from the BSP, withdrew their nominations due to a pre-poll alliance with Congress, the AAP had not fielded a candidate from Surat. After being out of contact with the public since April 22, Kumbhani was suspended by the Congress, which alleged his involvement in the rejection of the nomination form and accused him of connivance with the BJP. Lok Sabha polls in Gujarat were conducted in a single phase on May 7, with results for 25 out of the state’s 26 seats scheduled to be announced on June 4.
(*This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed. *)