Mr. Adani recently visited Bhutan and had a meeting with the Prime Minister, Dasho Tshering Tobgay, and King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck in Thimphu. He expressed admiration for the Prime Minister’s efforts in advancing the vision of the King and his pursuit of infrastructure initiatives across the kingdom. Mr. Adani expressed eagerness to collaborate on hydro and other infrastructure projects in Bhutan, sharing his enthusiasm on social media with photos of the meeting. During his visit, Mr. Adani was honored to meet the King and was inspired by his vision for Bhutan, particularly the ambitious eco-friendly masterplan for Gelephu Mindfulness City, which includes plans for large computing centers and data facilities.
He expressed excitement about the potential collaboration on transformative initiatives and green energy management to support Bhutan’s goal of becoming a carbon-negative nation. This visit marked a continuation of Mr. Adani’s engagement with Bhutan, as he had previously met the King in November to explore opportunities for the Adani Group to contribute to green infrastructure development for the neighboring country. It’s worth noting that New Delhi Television is a subsidiary of AMG Media Networks Limited, an Adani Group company.