The Delhi high court has put a pause on the bail for Delhi CM Kejriwal following a challenge by the ED. The ED filed a petition opposing Mr. Kejriwal’s bail just before his scheduled release from Tihar jail, seeking an urgent hearing before a bench of Justices Sudhir Kumar Jain and Ravinder Dudeja. The high court instructed that the trial court order should not be acted upon until the case file is presented. Meanwhile, Mr. Kejriwal’s wife, Sunita Kejriwal, and Aam Aadmi Party leaders had planned to visit Tihar Jail at 4 pm to greet him.
The previous day, a Delhi court had ordered Mr. Kejriwal’s release on a personal bond of Rs 1 lakh with certain conditions, including that he should not obstruct the investigation or influence the witnesses. Mr. Kejriwal was arrested by the ED on March 21 for alleged money laundering related to the Delhi liquor policy for 2021-22, which was subsequently withdrawn after objections from the Lieutenant Governor.