The Chief Minister has refused to do so. He has accused the BJP of a political conspiracy. Dramatic visuals showed a sea of protesters, waving BJP flags and shouting slogans against the ruling Congress. The protests were to be led by the party’s state boss, BY Vijayendra, and include R Ashok, the Leader of the Opposition, and Mysuru MP Maharaja Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wodeyar.
The cops said the convoy was disrupting traffic. Videos shared online showed several tense moments between the fired-up protesters and the police, who took the busloads to the Bidadi Police Station for preventive custody. Eventually, however, the cops relented and said only Mr Vijayendra, and his vehicle, could continue. On his party’s allegations, Mr Vijayendra said, “There should be an impartial investigation.
There cannot be an inquiry headed by the state. When the Chief Minister himself is involved… Not only are his family, but many ministers and relatives also involved.” “Chief Minister cannot escape responsibility. Being the leader he should answer to the people of Karnataka.
We demand he should hand over the investigation to the CBI…” he said. The opposition party’s protests and allegations follow a police complaint against Siddaramaiah’s wife, Parvathi, and others, including MUDA officials and those from administrative departments. The latest complaint adds to an ongoing investigation into the alleged MUDA land allocation scam. The allegation is that the value of the property received as compensation exceeds that of the land taken, and caused the exchequer a loss of Rs 4,000 crore.
The protesters want land so allotted to be withdrawn and a federal agency probe. These protests by the BJP come a fortnight ahead of the Karnataka Assembly session. Across the aisle, the BJP’s Tejasvi Surya attacked the Congress’ central leadership, specifically targeting Rahul Gandhi. “I want to ask Rahul Gandhi… who claims to be a self-appointed custodian of the rights of OBCs, SCs, and STs… why he has not taken action against the party’s state government.”
“Is this your model of tribal development? By siphoning Rs 100 crore of funds earmarked for their welfare and purchasing Lamborghinis?” he asked, referring to separate allegations of embezzlement of funds meant for development of the ST community. A key accused reportedly used some of the money to buy a high-performance Italian supercar.
And Siddaramaiah’s deputy, DK Shivakumar, has slammed the opposition party. “There is nothing; it’s all a political scam. They (BJP) are just trying to play politics…” he told reporters this morning.