Malayalam film actor and CPIM MLA Mukesh has been accused of sexual assault. The accuser claimed that Mukesh made unwanted advances when she sought his help to join the industry’s actors’ organization, called AMMA. She also disclosed her experience of exploitation in the industry and mentioned that when she moved to Chennai, she received no support from anyone.
Mukesh demanded a transparent investigation to uncover the truth behind the allegations and stated that the accuser had approached him in 2009 and then again in 2022, asking for a substantial amount of money. He also mentioned his willingness to be investigated alongside other filmmakers. The organization’s executive committee resigned, taking moral responsibility for the situation.
The accuser highlighted the prevalence of sexual abuse and exploitation of women in the industry and expressed concern that it has been normalized. She mentioned a three-member Justice Hema Committee that was set up in 2017 and submitted a report in 2019, but legal challenges from industry members prevented its public release until now.