“Yogi Adityanath says the budget dedicated to Lord Shri Ram is for the overall and balanced development of Uttar Pradesh: UP’s biggest budget so far” – India – Hindi admin, February 5, 2024 The Finance Minister Suresh Kumar Khanna presented the budget in the Vidhan Sabha today. After the presentation, the Chief Minister said in a press conference that this is the eighth budget of his government and every year the budget is based on some theme. This year the budget is dedicated to Lord Shri Ram. Compared to the previous fiscal year, there has been a 6.7% increase in the budget size, reflecting the government’s commitment to expanding the state’s economy. He said, “There are some things in the budget that are very important for all of us. For the first time, provisions have been made for a capital expenditure of three lakh seventy-eight thousand two crore rupees. This reflects that when money is spent on basic infrastructure, it will not only create employment but also strengthen the economy. Our government has always focused on working towards the concept of holistic development. This has been explicitly stated in the Syndicate Feed.” Uttar Pradesh Legislature