Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is set to return to Tihar Jail on June 2. The court ruled that his statement, “if you vote for AAP, I won’t have to go back to jail”, did not violate his bail terms. The court emphasized that the Chief Minister’s comment was a personal opinion and stated that their order for him to return to jail on June 2 is clear, with no exceptions made. They welcomed criticism of their decision but did not delve into the issue further, reaffirming that they had set the dates and provided reasons for granting interim bail.
The court rejected the request to revoke bail and send Mr Kejriwal to jail, despite the opposition’s claim that it was a clear violation of the court’s conditions. In response to this, senior advocate Abhishek Manu Singhvi, representing Mr Kejriwal, highlighted statements made by senior union ministers against his client and alleged efforts to “break and humiliate” him after being sent to Tihar Jail. Mr Kejriwal had also stated that he would be returning to jail on June 2 and watching the election results from there, adding a condition that if the Congress-led opposition grouping INDIA bloc wins, he will come back on June 5. The court also dismissed a petition seeking his removal.
Both Mr Kejriwal and the AAP have denied the charges and accused the BJP of orchestrating a “political vendetta” before the polls. This case has drawn attention to the prevalent political tensions surrounding the upcoming elections.