13-Year-Old Girl Raises Funds for Wayanad by Performing Bharatnatyam for 3 Hours admin, August 8, 2024 Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan met the 13-year-old girl, Harini Sri, and gave her blessings. Harini Sri performed Bharatanatyam for three hours to raise funds for those affected by the Wayanad landslides in Kerala. She donated Rs 15,000, including her savings, to the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund (CMDRF) as a thoughtful gesture. The landslides that occurred in Chooralmala and Mundakkai in Kerala’s Wayanad on July 30 resulted in over 300 casualties and extensive property damage. Since Thursday, a specialized team comprising of army personnel, SOG officials, and forest officials has been conducting a search operation at Sunrise Valley in Soojippara, within the forest. The Wayanad district administration organized a farewell for the Indian Army personnel who were part of the rescue and search operation in the landslide-affected areas. Following the completion of a ten-day-long rescue operation, the responsibility will be handed over to the NDRF, SDRF, Fire Force, and Kerala police. An Indian Army battalion, with approximately 500 members from Thiruvananthapuram, Kozhikode, Kannur, and Bengaluru, is expected to return, while the maintenance team of the temporarily constructed Bailey Bridge will remain in the area. IAF helicopters are now being utilized to aid the search operations. Up to now, helicopters have airlifted over 700 kg of relief material and 8 civilians, as well as teams of the Special Operations Group, since the disaster struck Wayanad on July 30. * (This story has been published from a syndicated feed and has not been edited by NDTV staff except for the headline). * Wayanad